If you are wondering what to take to a jazz festival, you are in the right place. A small backpack might be necessary particularly if you are there for a few days but on the other-hand, you should also try to travel as light as possible. You might need a change of clothes but don’t overdo it. If you are a woman, then bring a few pieces of makeup but remember, lots of the people will not be wearing makeup anyway – a jazz festival is a casual event and somewhere to just chill out for a few days.
You will need to bring money, stick to cash and don’t bring too much however. Your mobile is also a necessity so that you can keep in touch with friends/family throughout the event. If you are sleeping at the festival, bring a tent that is easy to set up and some foldaway chairs. One thing you should not forget for the jazz festival is some sunscreen. You will need to bring some food and drink too, but some places have tight restrictions with what you can and can’t bring (glass bottles are a big no-no!)